1. pulled carb apart and found it seized, the slides wouldn't move at all so i tower it apart cleaned everything several times till every jet was clean as well as any passages fuel and or air would need to flow thru. Put it back together and everything works perfectly.
2. Replaced shot air filter, oil filter, and changed oil
3. Dumped old gas and started fresh.
4. Petcock not working so rebuilt it using fresh parts, not happy with how it turned out cause left some parts out do to them making no real sense. Tried petcock with vacum hooked up but fuel coming from a bottle and petock spits fuel just fine, so figured its fine.
5. tried air/fuel mixture screw lean and rich and didn't make huge difference still surges and slight bogs.
Never had this much trouble in my life and to me the only thing that makes sense is its not getting steady flow of fuel so now the carbs have been off and completly gone thru multiple times and no change. Had one good 2 mile run when set screw to really lean but then it all started again. Of course this damn model seams to be rare cause finding info on it is crazy so been using a gs250t/450 service manual figure it can't be much different then the 250t besides bigger bore. Any help from you gs pro's would be a god send! And yes i've done several searches on here first to find info.