I've got a high idle of about 1500. Not that high, but even with the idle knob almost removed, it's still too high.
My petcock diaphragm is leaking (new one is on its way, I'm going for a rebuild, everything else looks good).
The throttle tension adjustment at the carbs was set too high, and every time I put my throttle together, it pulled on the cable.
My intake boots have been sealed pretty well with silicone (I know, I know, new ones are on my list), but I can't detect any significant intake leak either at the airbox on either side, or at the head, or where the airbox and carbs meet. There might be a little leak, but I don't think there's much of a leak.
The intake boot O-rings are new.
So - finally my question. What all can cause a high idle? Is there a throttle plate stop screw I could have missed?
Obvious causes:
Something pulling on the throttle cable (not happening)
Intake leaks (don't think are happening, but it's hard to tell)
Excess fuel intake (like through a leaking petcock diaphragm)
Choke circuit sticking (nope)
Incorrect jets (stock jets, intake, exhaust, and airbox as far as I can tell)
I bench-synched the carbs, but I'm waiting to try to synch them with a home-made carb synch tool... once I figure out the idle.
What am I overlooking?
What else can cause a high idle?