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Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

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    Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

    I am back!

    I replaced the left coil and the bike is now starting!

    Now my problem is, after replacing all the stuff I replaced (exhaust, main jet, and pilot jet) I need to tweak the carbs a bit.

    I am able to get the bike running now, but it runs a bit hot I think?

    I start it up and it'll idle now (I had to adjust the idle screw, before I did that it was revving at super high RPMs regardless of choke position) but when I roll back the throttle and let go, it takes a bit to return to idle.

    I believe this is running too lean, correct?

    How do I resolve this?

    When I put the carbs back together after swapping out the exhaust to a MAC 2-1 system and replacing the main jet from #115 to #130 and the pilot jet to #47.5 from #45, I screwed in the pilot screw (above the carb input to the cylinders) all the way in and then backed out 2.5 turns. Do I need to go more? If so, how? Can I do it by just taking the tank off?

    Last edited by Guest; 10-06-2013, 05:57 PM.

    TALLAHASSEE AREA - Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

    Well I got everything going pretty well now, at least enough to ride around and it seems to run better than it did with the old crap I had on it before all of this.

    Only issue now I notice, it kinda starts up a little weak. What I mean by that is, I have to pump a little gas in when first starting it up (whether it's hot or not) to get it rolling, then it's fine after that.

    Any ideas what that may be?

    I plan to do some plug-chops later this weekend if possible (I have a couple things to do to my other vehicle)

    Thanks for all the help you guys! I couldn't have done it without this community.
    Last edited by Guest; 10-06-2013, 05:58 PM.


      High idle can be lean, or it can be an intake leak. Have you got new O rings under the intake boots and are the boots soft and sealing well?

      Do you use choke when you first start?

      If it's still "weak" when hot maybe richen the mixture screws a quarter turn or so.
      1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
      1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


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        TALLAHASSEE AREA - Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

        Didn't replace boot o-rings, they feel soft and malleable.

        I am at roughly 3 turns out from screwed all the way in on the pilot screw w/ #130 main jet and #47.5 pilot.

        You think the rough starting is from running lean?
        Last edited by Guest; 10-06-2013, 05:58 PM.


          Definitely go another quarter or half turn out on the mixture screws, but if you haven't replaced the intake boot O rings I can almost guarantee you have an intake leak, and that will be like running lean.

          With the boots, I thought mine were ok too, but the clamps wouldn't really tighten down properly.

          I ended up getting new boots and the difference was quite large... the old ones had shrunken, so the clamps weren't clamping and the carbs were hard to get in.

          The new ones were able to be clamped properly and the carbs slotted in so nice and easy the difference was amazing.
          1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
          1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


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            TALLAHASSEE AREA - Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

            I take back everything I said about the starting haha

            I went to ride it earlier, and got some new plugs while just riding around and when i was taking them out to replace i looked at the electrodes and one was burning rich the other was okay.

            Should I just adjust the pilow screw on the one?

            Also, are you suggesting I replace the o-rings in the intake boots (boots going from carb to motor) or the intake boots all together? Because that's like a $5 thing vs a $50-$100 thing for something that seems to be ok for now, just needs fine tuning (granted I had previous said I was getting poor start-up)
            Last edited by Guest; 10-06-2013, 05:58 PM.


              Replace the O rings at a minimum, but for me it was well worthwhile replacing the boots as well. I got them for $US25 each from Boulevard Suzuki.

              As for one plug being richer/leaner than the other, sounds like you need to balance your carbs which is quite normal after fiddling with them.

              When they're balanced properly, both carbs should be able to run the same jets and mixture screw settings.
              1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
              1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


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                TALLAHASSEE AREA - Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

                Balance the carbs? Never heard of that before.

                What is that?
                Last edited by Guest; 10-06-2013, 05:58 PM.


                  Aaah ok... you need to read more

                  Basically it's making sure that when you open the throttle, the butterflies open the same amount on each carb.

                  When you look at your carbs and the mechanism that the throttle cable pulls on, you will see a locknut and screw there. That's what makes the adjustment.

                  Basically, when out of balance one butterfly will open more than the other, meaning one cylinder will get more fuel/air than the other.

                  I have a Morgan Carbtune Pro to do mine with which is an excellent tool, but do some searching on here and Google to see some other options etc.
                  1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                  1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


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                    TALLAHASSEE AREA - Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

                    Ohhhh you mean carb sync?

                    Yeah I know which lock nut and screw that marries the 2 carbs together that you're referring to.

                    What's the easiest way to sync them? I know of some tools that are like 90 bucks, are those necessary?
                    Last edited by Guest; 10-06-2013, 05:58 PM.


                      Sync/balance, yep same thing

                      You can get cheap or expensive tools to do the job. As long as the two dials/gauges/whatever read the same then they will work.

                      If there's someone on here in your area that has a tool they may be willing to give you a hand too.
                      1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                      1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


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                        TALLAHASSEE AREA - Fine tuning '82 GS450L carbs - new exhaust

                        Yeah I don't know if anyone is in my area. I'm in Tallahassee, FL

                        Do I just plug in the hoses into the vacuum lines from each carb that go to the gauges?

                        I suppose I'll look around online and maybe call some places like Advance Auto and O'Reilly's Auto

                        I'm gonna try and make something like this:

                        Where do I attach the 2 hoses though from my homemade manometer? My 2 carbs have one vacuum line going to the petcock and that's it. I have 2 vent lines coming off the carbs between the 2 but I don't think those are the ones I want are they?

                        Also, I see that guy has a 'home made fuel bottle', how would I go about making one of those when my fuel tank has a petcock on it that has the fuel line + vacuum hose?

                        EDIT #2:
                        Scratch that idea, if my carbs are too out of sync it could be disastrous.

                        I'm gonna probably see if a local shop here will do it for me or if any friends in town have a manometer i can borrow
                        Last edited by Guest; 10-06-2013, 06:20 PM.


                          Just in front of your carb intake boots on the head you'll see a philips head screw each side with a gasket under it. You take these out and put the nipples for the manometer hoses in there (don't forget to put them back in!):

                          For fuel, I went to a mower shop and got a fuel tap, bit of fuel hose, and an old whipper snipper fuel tank:

                          1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                          1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


                          450 Refresh thread:

                          Katana 7/11 thread:


                            Great! Thanks!

                            I'll see what I can come up with


                              No worries... just realised how old those photos are and how long since I've sync'd my carbs! I really should give that a check soon after all the carb fiddling I've done...
                              1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                              1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


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                              Katana 7/11 thread:

