Anyways, the bike was for my wife, spent most of the spring getting brakes to work correctly, lights, etc. Decided to replace the O ring gaskets on the intake boots...good call, as they were original. Buttoned it up took it for a test spin, and it appeared to be running pig can't keep it running pig rich, turning the choke had no effect or made it worse. Another long story short - decided time was of the essence, and needed to get my wife on a reliable bike, so we bought something newer, with FI etc.
At this point, just want to get it running decent so I can sell it in the spring. My original thought processes was that it was over jetted to compensate for the leaky intake O rings. So I pulled the carbs a part today (they did look clean with new gaskets so PO seemed to be telling the truth about that) and pulled out the main jet and the idle jet...and guess what they were stock. 115 main and a 42.5 idle. WTF? Okay, doesn't explain why the bike appeared to be running pig rich, but figure I should get it rejetted for it's current setup (going back to stock isn't an option as i don't have the original exhaust....I asked they PO if he still had, but he had pitched them.

Did some more digging on this site, and it was recommended to get a stage 3 Dynojet kit.... since they want $125 for the kit, I was wondering if there is a more economical way to rejet - could i order just the main's and idle - does anyone know what the cost for this would be, and would it work? Any other suggestions?