Don't worry about using a paper clip, either.
Adjust the master idle speed knob until you see a very slight sliver of light under the butterfly. Turn the center sync screw until you see a sliver the same size under carb #2. Then do the same thing with the left sync screw to get the same-size sliver under #1. Finally, adjust the right screw to adjust #4. Here is what you are looking for:
Note the light under the butterfly. When you can operate the idle speed control and see that ALL the butterflies close at the same time, you have done a good bench sync. Turn the idle speed in a couple of turns and put the carbs back on the bike.
Keep in mind that #1 is always the LEFT carb, and the LEFT carb is always on the LEFT side of the bike as if you were sitting on it, ready to ride.
If you do decide to go with a Real Gasket and new half moons, install the half moons (with a thin film of RTV on the curved surface only) and then install the valve cover with no gasket at all. You only need to install the outer bolts, snug them down to clamp the half moons into place overnight. When the cover is removed, the half moons will be sitting flush with the head, and will not leak right at the corners. A cardboard gasket will push them into place right away, a Real Gasket will not be installed with enough force to do that, so take your time, do it right.