It gave a word for word example of how my bike was running, under the section : idle and low speed running, I adjusted the mixture screws as per the info idle was greatly improved, stopped it running up after small throttle blips, now revs and drops to idle with no issues, it also helped a lot with low speed in 1st 2nd 3rd though this still felt a little hesitant.
I have balanced the carbs though this was done before I had ridden it and discovered it was on the lean side.
Bikes starts no problem at all from cold with some choke on until it warms up, then choke off, restats no problem when warm/hot. Prior to making any adjustments the mixture screws were just under 2 1/4 turns out.
Plugs 1 2 and 3 have good coloration, on inspection after a good ride today (just trying to get some miles on its back after) no4 though is still on the lean side did a few plug chops today, mixture screws on 1,2,3 from memory after adjustment are just over 2 1/2 full turns, No4 now out a good 3 1/2 turns some improvement regarding colouration, but not as good a the others. it will pull in top gear from 30mph right through and feels nice and smooth.
Long winded I know, what I was trying to find out, would a worn o ring on No4 mixture screw be enough to cause what I'm seeing, also can the small spring, washer and o ring be easly removed ones the mixture screw is out.
Also been on with replacing a blown fork seal, man old fork oil has a smell all of its own.
Thanks for any info.