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Tube to Double-Check Carb Float Height

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    Tube to Double-Check Carb Float Height

    Hey guys. On BikeClift's website, it mentioned that Z1 enterprises has this screw that lets you check the fuel levels in the carb bowls. The screw goes into the bowl and has a tube coming out of it. I looked around and can't seem to find it to purchase a set.

    I could make them myself. I can find replacement screws at Lowes/HomeDepot (or even order OEM screws), drill a small hole through them, and get the tubing. But I'm not sure how to attach the tubing to the screws. Would some sort of adhesive work? Does anyone know the threading on these carb bowl screws?

    This thing:

    I drilled some old drain plugs up the center, soldered sections of brass tube in the hole, works fine.

    Not sure if you will be able to find the right thread other than the Mikuni part.

    Life is too short to ride an L.


      Ok, I'll probably end up doing that and making it myself. You just found some brass adapters that has a tubing connector on one side and something that fit the hole you drilled on the other side?


        No, just straight brass tubing from the hobby store. It's just a temporary connection, without the barbs it isn't going anywhere. Get the right size brass tubing to fit your clear tubing, dril the hole to fit that. If it falls off use a wire tie as a hose clamp. Easier done than said.

        Life is too short to ride an L.

