The bike in question is a 1986 GS400E, Canadian 8V motor. I will try and do this in point form to make it easier and shorter..
1. Purchased bike last fall with 14,000km running only on once cylinder. PO told me carbs need cleaning.
2. Over the past few months
-Adjusted valves which were in spec but put them to highest setting of 0.13mm just to be safe and installed new gasket
- Had NastyJones from this forum clean my carbs since he lives literally a 5 min drive from me using his ultrasonic method.
Which I should add that he is a genuinly cool guy as he came over and helped me remove them, and he only charged me a fraction of his normal price due to a recent layoff which I was part of. So with that said, I would highly recommend him as he's a stellar person.
- installed new boots and o-rings from motor to carb, and also from carb to airbox.
- Cleaned the super dry air filter and put soaked it in Rotella since I drive a diesel and that's all I have around. I made sure to take out all of the oil but squeezing it many times to get all the excess oil out.
- Installed new battery and plugs.
3. Spring
- Started up after first few tries..
- Initially I didn't put enough gas in it so it it would run only on prime then die, I figured this out quickly after doing a search on here and filled it up. It would start right up.
- Due to the starter slipping I believe, it takes a few tries to get it to catch and start but as soon as it does, I have to give it some gas.. after about 20 seconds of gas it starts to idle really low.. and then once warmed up a bit and driven it idles fine at around 1100 which I set to using the screw at bottom.
-It does not start on choke, even when it's -1 Celsius outside.
- I also tried to set the idle adjustment based on NastyJones recommendation but I have no way of setting up a temp gas can since I live in a highrise, after cutting a screwdriver down and making a grinding a new end to make a small slot to adjust idle fuel screw.. I realised soon that the screw driver slips and well.. I was rather ****ed off and gave up on it..
- I took off tank and set the screws to 1.5 turns out from the closed position... it seems to run great once warmed up using the holding gas method on startup and choke still does nothing. When it's warming up I've tried turning closing the choke by pushing the lever so it's parallel with the grip. and it idles up but then starts to die if I don't turn it back the other way.
BTW I really hope that position on the choke lever when it's parallel to the grip is actually correct, since I've been driving it around like that and have put about 500km on the bike in the last 2 weeks.
- I took bike in to have the tires changed and the carbs set and synced since they have the tools and can take off the gas tank and do it.. once I picked it up I noticed that the screws were in the exact same position as they were before since I made a mark with sharpie on carb so it would be easier for me to know how many turns out to set it to when I put them to 1.5... so I am not sure if they adjusted the idle using the screws or just the big knob at the end.. I didn't question this as they don't look like the type of guys I would be dealing with ever again.
- I did a temp test using a touchless at the manifold pipe right where it exits engine before and after. Before they were 8-10 degrees C appart so 164 degrees celsius on one 174 on the other...
After... 2 degrees difference at same spot so 162-164 degrees.
My questions.
1. Why does my bike run great once warmed up using throttle for 20 or so sec but never on choke... and dies right away on choke.
2. I have pulled the plugs and they don't look white or burnt at the tips.. a little carbon but mostly clean, so am I running too lean?
Bike does not pop when coming down in rpm.. accelerates great seems not to shake at all when at high speed since I drove it yesterday on a 150km round trip.
3. I am getting 47-49 mpg so is this good or bad? I am really worried about running too lean. but not sure if any of these symptoms are part of that.. like the choke thing..
Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to be detailed to give everyone a full idea..
Your replies would be appreciated