~1980 GS550E
So when purchasing the bike I noticed the carbs looked different than the ones i normally have dealt with. But it wasn't until earlier today that i realized why they look different... and i cant believe i didnt catch this when originally looking at the bike...
The P.O. apparently put different carbs and intake boots on the bike than what it came with from the factory. The carbs are in great shape, recently rebuilt. and the intake boots appear to be close to brand new.
BUT, the intake boots seem to be too small for the intake manifold (see pictures) the O-ring is not sealing a small portion of the manifold. Probably fixable by silicon gasket maker? But obviously not ideal... also there is a small portion of intake manifold in the way of the air/fuel flow between the carbs and the combustion chamber.
The bike is simply for wheeling around town, im not trying to race it, and i really dont care about having maximum power. Its going to be my "beater Bike" What i want to know is if this thing will even be rideable with these issues. So again, as long as the thing will get me from A to B without destroying something in the process, that's all i care about.
Thanks again everyone!
