Went for a ride with my buddy yesterday, and at one point I was in front of him and cranked open the throttle to take off at a good pace.
After we stopped for a bit, he says "When you took off there, boy your exhaust sure smelled like gas. I think you're running pretty rich."
I was gonna check the spark plugs (brand new as of 1 month ago) to see if they were black, but it's been raining here today and I didn't want to work in the wet.
One thing I have noticed is the exhaust pipes are pretty greasy/sooty at the ends.
I wanted to try adjusting the pilot screw (NOT the idle screw), but I can't seem to find the damn thing.
I looked through my service manual at the diagram of the carb, but I couldn't find anything that said it was an air or fuel adjustment screw.
Is it on the engine side or the air box side? Is it on the side of the carb, or perhaps on the bottom?
Also, I did check the air filter a week ago. At one point a mouse had gotten into the air box and chewed through the filter. I removed the old filter as well as a few handfuls of chewed filter/mouse poop (NASTY), and put in a new filter. I'm pretty sure it's getting adequate air intake, so I don't think that's the problem.
Any help is appreciated.