Now that we've gotten that out of the way. I would love to disassemble the carbs and rebuild them--but I have no money for that nor do I have access to the experienced help I would need to re-synch the carbs. That being said, the bike ran when I got it, but had old fuel in it. I didn't realize this until I had ridden it quite a bit and fouled the plugs. I cleaned the plugs and she started right up again. I did not drain the tank but added fresh fuel and STP fuel treatment (I already had it). The bike seemed to run ok, but backfired occasionally and didn't idle well/run off choke. Fast forward to last Sunday...
The bike seemed a bit harder to start than normal (actually, I'm always surprised at how quickly it does start, so let's say this time it cranked for 5 seconds instead of the usual 1-2 seconds). I rode it to church without incident. Leaving church I had a few miles on the highway (4th gear, 50 mph) and while riding I could hear the engine change tone. As I slowed to exit the highway it died on me and I quickly downshifted and dropped the clutch to 'bump' start it. It started but would not idle. I was able to keep it running only by twisting the throttle--and it sure sounded funny. I parked and went to lunch. During lunch I had the idea that, perhaps, I needed to turn my petcock to reserve. (If you've read my intro thread, you'll know this is my first bike and I haven't even ran one tank of fuel through it yet, so I'm as green as can be.) After lunch I did so and hit the starter button and the motor just cranked but did not fire. Eventually, after much cajoling and praying, it started and I had to keep it running with the throttle. I reached under the tank and found what I presume is the idle adjustment (???) and realized that it was backed all the way out so I turned it in several turns and got home. Fast forward to today...
I've taken a vacation day from work because I need to have the bike running by Monday (my car's in the shop and I don't know when I'll have it back). Here's the plan of attack:
1. I've removed the tank, drained it, cleaned the petcock assembly with carb cleaner and emptied an entire can of carb cleaner into the tank, followed by compressed air to dry. Reassembled petcock into tank.
2. I've removed my airbox assembly, ordered a new foam filter element (washed mine in a bucket of warm water and dish soap, only to discover it had a gaping tear in it), sealed end caps with foam weatherstripping and inspected boots.
3. I've removed the carbs. Now, my question (finally): How far can I disassemble and clean the carbs without having to re-synch them? I intended to only spray down each throat and put them back on the bike, but I had a coworker tell me that I could (and should) remove the bowls and all of the jets/screws and clean and reassemble. I contested this as I believe it will require a re-synching of the carbs, but he says no. So I humbly present the question here for advice.
4. Install new, properly-gapped, plugs.
PS- A valve adjustment is in my future, I just can't afford it right now. Thanks in advance for any help y'all can offer.