I'm in the process of cleaning up my carbs and I've decided to take the intake boots off for inspection because my '81 GS550L likes to idle significantly higher once warm. I took some pictures because the O-rings look fine, but I am not so sure about the boots. I'm only showing two but they all seem to be in similar condition.

As you may be able to see, the rubber is surprisingly nice, they are not dried out and it's pretty flexible. The O-rings look pretty good as well (Didn't get a picture but they didn't look worn or mangled). I'm worried however, about the brown slop that looks like it was once sealing the boot. Is this a red flag? It's leading me to believe that there was a problem with them in the past and someone decided to take the quick and cheap route of sealing the boots rather than replacing them.
The brown material is rock hard and doesn't seem to be serving much of a purpose anymore. There seems to be a very slight gap in between the rubber and metal at some points, or more like the brown slop and the metal, which worries me. Are these boots leaking? Or do I really not need to worry about them?