I am in the process of of rejetting my 77 gs550 for pods and pipes since the old air box was trashed. I see there is rarely see any mention of the pilot jet no. 2. which is 50. I am jetting for k&n pods and 4 in 1 exhaust with a mini muffler no baffle. I changed the mains to 92.5 and was still lean so I'm changing to 100 tonight and pilot no 1. to 17.5 and moved the needle 2 notches. Should i keep the pilot jet no. 2. how it is stock (i'm confused why its never mentioned). Also for these changes where would you suggest for a good starting point with the fuel mixture screws on the bottom?
also I have
I have replaced the manifold boots and o rings but it still seems like i have a vacuum leak it revs around 3k-4k once it reaches 3k on the throttle and won't come down unless i'm in gear and fiddle with the clutch lever. idle stays around 1200. I haven't checked the points or valves yet as I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Could the valves or points cause this issue?
any help would be much appreciated and if any of you are in portland area and wouldn't mind showing me some things i would greatly appreciate an help i can get. I've learned a ton reading this forum but still nervous to attempt some things.