The good:
The carbs appeared pretty clean already
There was green stains in them possibly pointing to sea foam use.
The bad:
All of the float needles are missing the little clip - Does this really matter? I think the clip just holds in the needle in it's filter/container under the float? Like in case the bike is ever upside down

Speaking of the float needles, I couldn't get two of the screws out. This means I WAS able to remove the float and the needle, but not the round thing the needle sits in, under the float. I did spray a bunch of carb cleaner into the holder. I could cut the screw but if it's clean enough I'd rather leave it for next time.
There is a jet under a rubber plug in each carb. On one of them I tore up the head a little getting it out. I can still get it in and out, I'm just wondering if the head (including the screw driver slot) is part of the design that would I did might screw with that carb?
Speaking again about the brass holder things with the filter at the end...the float needle and float sit on top of them...the two I did get out I soaked in carb cleaner and didn't remove the rubber o-ring. The o-rings grew in side and wouldn't fit back into the carb body, so I had to order two new o-rings and I'm waiting on them before I can put the carbs back on.
I'm planning on getting a carb sync tool and syncing the carbs after they are back on...also, I'm ordering new intake manifold boots and rings.