Has anybody run into this with similar carb configurations?
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1981 gs750l pipe, intake
1981 gs750l pipe, intake
I've been trying to get the parts I need to re-install the carbs. After some research, it appears the original LH/RH boots are obsolete. I bought four intake boots that were the replacement part but when I installed the carbs, they were not aligned with the engine and not allowing me to align and mount the airbox under the gas tank. If you were sitting on the bike, the carbs were over to the right by about 1/2 inch. Since the boots have a slight angle, I experiemented with rotating them slightly to see if that would help with alignment but it did not work.
Has anybody run into this with similar carb configurations?Tags: None
The intakes are marked with a small R or L that needs to be up and on the correct side of the engine.
The new boots I bought do not have L/R marked on them. These were the replacement part on bikebandit.com
Do you have a website you go to for a more comprehensive parts lists?
I'm unable to find the original suzuki OEM part for the 750L.
I wrote this for another member but copied so I would not need to type again.
This is what I do to get the carbs/airbox/filter housing in the correct placement.
Remove the filter housing.
Loosen the airbox to frame bolts to where they will just hold in the airbox. (this will give you a bit of room to slide airbox around without the agrivation of trying to get the bolts back in when everything else is proper and tight)
Use a object to hold the carbs up level to bike for attaching the choke and throttle cables. (the right side works best and you want your carb stand high enough to hold the carbs up with cables attached so you can take a breather without having to hang the carbs off the cables)
Attach the choke and carb cables being sure the carbs will insert into airbox without twisting the cables.
Slide carbs into correct area while insuring the clutch cable is gently positioned into bracket on side of carbs for it. (the clutch cable will hang them up otherwise)
Slide carbs onto airbox boots and tighten clamps while making sure the boots are positioned correctly on carbs.
(I am sure many peoples airboxes are warped around the boot area and after attaching to carbs correctly you can use some heat to let the carbs pull it back into shape)
Boots at head.
Start with the two innermost boots and push smallest area of boot into largest gap between carbs and head and twist back and forth to seat them.
Temporarily reattach the filter housing to the airbox and position the two seated boots by twisting them to level out and correctly position the filter housing.
Remove the filter housing again.
Mark the top center on the two boots with a paint marker or a piece of tape.( They will be offset from each other,make sure the area is clean first and the paint drys well before next stage)
Put the two remaining boots on using the same method. (the marks on the other boots are in case you have to move them to get the two outside boots into position)
Make sure the boots are all seated correctly and not causing each other to bind at all.
Tighten clamps. (be sure to position screws on clamps to where they will not interact with the throttle or choke)
Tighten the airbox to frame bolts if you have them.
I clean and mark my boots before I remove them so less trouble the next time.
I hope that helps.
I cannot remember if mine are marked or not.
Acording to the info above, R and L are different.
See any difference with what you have?
The boots OEM on my bike are aligned different with each other.
Possibly this will help.
Last edited by Guest; 11-30-2014, 06:08 PM.
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hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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