My bike is a 78 gs750 I have fitted two different sets of after market pilot jets and each time i have found at least one jet to ground and break. Today i have tried to fit a set of 17.5 pilots and the very first yet simply broke off, i gingerly tried a second jet in a different carb and could almost instantly tell the same fate awaited it should i continue to install it. The ends of these jets have a slightly larger diameter and the threaded part of the jet seems to be slight longer, apart from that i can see no difference between these jets and the originals. Has anybody else had this problem? I do not believe this is simply down to poor installation or over tightening, the originals fit nicely and you can feel that they are seated right without being over tightened.
On a side note, i have the dreaded pods and a 4into1 of unknown origin, even with the needles at the top position and a 120 main the bike is still flat with any throttle and simply seems very lean. Having read many other threads on this, i was given the impression that a 115 main would solve the leaness. The pilots are still 15, i had to leave them standard after breaking one. Is this a familiar story to anyone and how large can i expect to go before the sparkle comes back?
Thanks for any help offered, i hope this hasnt been covered too many times, i could not find anything about it after a good search.