I have float valve needles installed and that has fixed my fuel flowing into the motor problems. Got the bike warmed up and idling off choke. It took me a good 10 mins to hook up the carbtune and when I started it, it had a racing idle but no reading on the carbtune. Tightened up the brass adapters I got from Z1 and restarted.
I have a nice idle, but I can feel that the exhaust on 1 and 2 is far cooler than 3 and 4. Probably a sign that they need to be synced. My problem is that my carbtune doesn't move from 0 vacuum. I was trying to sync at 1500 rpm. I turned the idle up to 2000 rpm and still the carbtune didn't move from the lowest possible reading. I did see a flitch on one of the cylinders. I have the tubing from the ports to carbtune installed with the restrictors closest to the cylinder ports.
Do I need to tighten the adapters even more? The carbtune manual says not to overtighten their plastic adapters so I not sure how tight to go with the brass ones. Any ideas?
I'm planning to do the sync then adjust mixture/air screws for highest idle/vacuum, then recheck the sync. The fuel height in carb 3 did get a little high, so I drained it, tapped the bowl, and refilled it. Fuel height looks good when trying to sync