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    Originally posted by Datsa Noydb View Post
    They recommend NOT cleaning the filters, as they are paper, not fabric, like the APE and K&N filters. Once they get dirty, throw them out.
    Better yet, don't wait for them to get dirty, just throw them out.

    Life is too short to ride an L.


      Originally posted by 520eek View Post
      a older velorex ...actually it's a 1980 model, I had to have fiberglass work done...the opening to get in and out was to small. I had windshield moved forward by 8 inches.
      Don't forget to post it up when you are finished. Nothing wrong with DynoJet I have the kit in a couple sets and they work. With pods and free flow exhaust I can almost guarantee you will not run well without jetting. Z1 for individual jets and or parts, or the local Suzuki shop.

      80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
      81 GS 1000 G
      79 GS 850 G
      81 GS 850 L
      83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
      80 GS 550 L
      86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
      2002 Honda 919
      2004 Ural Gear up


        Originally posted by WolfworksCustoms View Post
        Yer just a clueless pos that succumbs to what all the other sheep follow....thats TOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo your mind to new might even discover that you actually have something active between your legs, lolol.....
        As if you know anything about me. Try again, lil doggy.

        Ive run the "high end" sheit....found it was so restrictive I was 20% lower on the dyno....

        I been racing bikes and cars since 1975.....when were YOU born ????.....dont fook with those who know.....because theyll just make you look like more of an azzhole than you do now....
        LMAO... I was racing dirt-track cars in the mid 70's myself, short-timer. I have probably forgotten more about building total-performance engines and setting up suspensions than you are capable of learning.

        Sheee-it !!!...bein from should know all well about hot rods and such....then again....depends on if yer mountain folk or not, like gotta be a city boy....and a youngin...

        Hell, before you were born, we were runnin 3 2bbls on a inline 6, with velocity stacks....on dirt roads.....just a mesh cover over the "keep out yer pebbles"

        Them fookers ran fer years son.....and ya....I used to work the mash years I aint talkin out my azz....
        Wrong again, Yankee. I'm not FROM Nawf Karryliner. It just happens to be where I live now. I was born even further south, in Georgia. I grew up on a big farm, and was helping lap the valves in a flathead tractor engine when I was six. Don't be so fast to make ASSumptions about someone's birthplace, age, or background. I was helping my older brother with his race car when I was 12. It wasn't JUNK like you run. He was pretty successful.

        Back up again, lil' doggy. I was running a six-pack setup on a 300 CID Ford six inline back in the 70's. The difference is, I was using REAL filters, and more than likely putting our a lot more HP than anything similar than you have ever built. You may not be talking out of yer azz, but it sounds like you have sure run some cheaply built JUNK in your lifetime.

        Why not lay off the personal insults and have a MATURE conversation, old-timer? The way you are talking now, your sub-75 IQ is showing...

        Have a good day.


          I have used both K&N and Emgo, never used Apes. If there's a real world difference, it ain't sh*t. For the money I'll run the Emgo stuff and not pay for hype. They tell you not to clean them simply so they can sell you more of them. I clean them multiple times and see no ill effects. As they say, it's your money. My stuff doesn't eat the rings or cylinders or valves. I put high miles on my stuff, my 1984 Moto Guzzi has close to 100k on it since I got it in 1988 and it burns no oil and has great compression. My GS850 I've had for 3 years, put 30K on it myself, now up around 55K, and it runs better now than when I picked it up. I'm not buying the Emgo is crap stuff.


            Why not lay off the personal insults and have a MATURE conversation, old-timer?
            JJ...I got no beef against you....I became defensive when others attacked me....I was runnin a gas powered Oliver tractor when I was 7....ok ? please....ninteen sixty something.....

            ...and ya call me a "doggie" again, ya might find a Yankee steel toed boot up yer azz (btw, you guys lost)....just sayin....and you dont know nuthin about me, why dont we leave it at that and let the bullsheit bury itself in the pages....
            I been attacked here almost since day one....if thats yer thing, go for fer you knowin more than whatever that bs you stated....yaaa, 1974 I was runnin a Nova street car, street tires, none of this nitrous crap, and I did 9.80 quarters.....I built the motor myself....12.5:1 pistons....Weiand manifold....twin 650 Holleys....I really DO know my sheit....I dont post stuff online unless i done it or I know.....

            K+N are great filters, but theyre too restrictive and you need to change em 6x/yr minimum.....not to mention the cost.....thank Foose and Co for, if you asked some more experienced designers/builders, Theyd say the same as i do.....I wont mention names because i dont wanna bring associates and friends into this.....

            Like i said....i got no problems with you JJ....but almost since day one, you and a few others been bustin my my age, i dont need it.....if you want me gone, man up and just fookin say so.....
            same goes to the other limp dicks....
            Funny too, because i got really good friends/family in FLA, SC, NC, GA, AL, MISS, LA, VA, W VA, TN....even a few brothers in dont act like none of them do....they got respect fer others. By your posts towards me, apparently you dont, and honestly, i dont need it.... So, either get the fook off my back, or I'll just put ya on that ignore thingie and wont see a sheit of what ya type....honestly, Id rather get to know ya and be a friend....but thats YOUR choice.....

            I really dont need message boards and have stayed away from them up until now....exactly for this reason....too many grow muscles when they sit behind a keyboard.....this place just seemed a lil better....guess not...
   anybody, wanna come up to Orange County, NY and kick an old man's azz....bring it....I might be dead on the ground, but you wont make it to the ER.....(thats to nobody in particular, btw)....

            ...oh yeah, "Datsa". :................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............................kmamf


              What a jackass.

              Life is too short to ride an L.


                Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                What a jackass.
                Tom, that is the first understatement I've heard you make.....EVER
                Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

                1981 GS550T - My First
                1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
                2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

                Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
                Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
                and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


                  Originally posted by cowboyup3371 View Post
                  Tom, that is the first understatement I've heard you make.....EVER
                  Never a truer word spoken. In both cases.

                  "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - B. Banzai

                  78 GS750E


                    Originally posted by gustovh View Post
                    Don't forget to post it up when you are finished. Nothing wrong with DynoJet I have the kit in a couple sets and they work. With pods and free flow exhaust I can almost guarantee you will not run well without jetting. Z1 for individual jets and or parts, or the local Suzuki shop.

                    Finally took bike out for it's first ride after a whole bunch of work over the months. Guess what? It don't run very well with stock set up on carbs with pods and free flow exhaust! LOL I did notice it runs real good if I pull the choke all the way up....

                    So now wait till Monday and get a hold of Z1 and order some jets. There seems to be a problem with online ordering right now on their website.

                    Also, the top end seems to be a bit "rattley"...don't recall it making that kind of rattle noise before. I just resealed top end. Gonna have to recheck valve clearances again soon anyway
                    Last edited by Guest; 12-13-2015, 05:43 PM.


                      This is my 1980 850L. The paint is different, but the bike is the same. It took me a while to get it sorted with the help of the forum here.


                      80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
                      81 GS 1000 G
                      79 GS 850 G
                      81 GS 850 L
                      83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
                      80 GS 550 L
                      86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
                      2002 Honda 919
                      2004 Ural Gear up


                        Well, at least I got out of garage and was able to put a couple miles on it. Getting closer now... IMG_0019.jpg
                        Last edited by Guest; 12-13-2015, 06:32 PM.


                          IMG_0018.jpg And another pic


                            I kinda like it, how does the seat work for you?

                            80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
                            81 GS 1000 G
                            79 GS 850 G
                            81 GS 850 L
                            83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
                            80 GS 550 L
                            86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
                            2002 Honda 919
                            2004 Ural Gear up


                              Okay...think I will use the spring mounts on it rather than the hard mounts I have on it. It was easier at the time to do solid mounts.


                                Glad to see you got it up and running, always a good felling. I can't remember , due to the head case jacking the thread, what you were doing with the carbs, Dyno kit or single jetting changes? Nice looking luggage, what are they? and I'm not sure what you took for that crazy rant on EMGO pods but they really are the garbage, if you can afford APES they last forever and will work much better, but all that said use what you have, I'm always a waste not want not type of person.
                                1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
                                Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?

