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VM26SS Carbs
So I know that it isn't necessarily along with the topic of the forum, but anyone any ideas on jetting? I have the #122 main in there which seems to be needed, but put the #15 pilots in there because the #17.5's didn't work particularly well, but with the #15's in there it still runs very rich. It runs well with the choke on, but with the choke off, it doesn't throttle (just bogs down). I'm trying to go along with this guidance, but can anyone give me a general idea of how to go forward?
See I thought that would indicate more that it's lean, but it's blowing white smoke and smells of gas. Throttle hangs and bogs in the first 1/4 choke. I don't appear to have air screws, but my fuel screws I set out anywhere from 1/2 - 2 turns out. The 17.5 pilot jets seemed to work, but it still seemed to run quite rich and it wouldn't run at all with the choke, still spitting white smoke with throttle and bogging the first 1/4 turn.
Correct. Started at 1/2 turn out on the fuel screws, worked my way up to 2 turns out. But, as you alluded, Hannibal, despite what I thought I've read over the years, I guess some of my knowledge is off. After reading through the Randakk's blog post (http://www.randakksblog.com/lean-vs-rich/) I guess my situation is much more lean than rich despite the smell. Always thought hard start, hanging idle, throttle bogging and smoke were indications of lean. But apparently my information has been incorrect. So maybe I'll just try some #20 pilot jets and go from there as well as get some fresh spark plugs to help me assess the clndition
The advice I received was to set the fuel screws at 7/8 turns out. After that, don't touch the fuel screws and make adjustments with the air/mixture screws. But if you don't have air screws, I'm not sure how you're supposed to adjust the mixture.
You have a picture? I don't know much about carbs, but maybe the gurus will see something.Jordan
1977 Suzuki GS750 (My first bike)
2000 Kawasaki ZRX1100
1973 BMW R75/5