I have this set of 4 Mikuni BS32SS carbs that I have to clean out for a guy, they all flooded so I checked the float needle and sure enough they all had wear marks.
Of course I have replaced both the needled, the seat and the O-ring, I reused the filter, also I set the float height to 22.4mm as per manual.
The weird thing is this will work perfectly well if you test this on one carb (all 3 other valves shut) however, when testing the same thing with two or more carbs connected the whole assembly starts to flood.
I made a little plug to connect to the bottom of the carb so I can connect a clear tube to check fuel level, this is correct for every single unit except when connected together.
For me It is impossible to figure out why it leaks! the needles are obviously working, It's not leaking past the O-ring otherwise it would leak when testing the carbs individually!
When it start flooding it seems to be coming from the little opening on the opposite side of the air jet in the intake bellmouth, but soon after that it just comes from everywhere.
The carbs have been thouroughly cleaned (ultrasonic, compressed air), and new O-rings and gaskets are used.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have done many many carbs I do not understand what is happening here