I noticed a lot of fuel around the intake port - I thought that was a little odd. See pic (link).
The tank is sitting in normal position with both petcock hoses in a clear container. It doesn't look like anything is dripping but I want to give it another day (check when I get home from work today). The petcock was recently replaced with OEM unit.
I removed the carb assembly with the float bowls full of fuel. If I tipped the carbs slightly, fuel visibly seeped from #2 where the float bowl meets the carb body.
The carbs have been cleaned and rebuilt. I do recall seeing a slight tear or hole in one of the diaphragms, so my thought was to replace all the float bowl gaskets, and probably replace the diaphragms with aftermarket. I also want to look closer at any O-rings at the carb interconnections.
The reason I'm saying all this is I plan on leaving the jets alone, and I'm not doing a complete overhaul (although I'll check the condition of the jet plugs while I'm in there). The carbs were fully rebuilt within the past 2 years, but I forget exactly if anything was reused other than the slides and jets/hardware.
I also don't know if the float valve should have stopped fuel prior to it reaching the height of the gasket? I'll inspect the floats and pins and measure the float height, and I'm planning on getting the homemade plug barb so I can measure fuel height.
I assume I'll need help balancing the carbs, again, after this is done (well, after I complete the top-end refresh I'm planning).