Just bought a 1983 Suzuki GS650GL. It didn't start at all at first, but after replacing some fuses, ditching the old gas and rebuilding the petcock it starts like a champ with full choke. Then it dies when I give it any throttle. Everything I've read (and my gut) tells me it's a classic "carbs need a-cleanin'" problem. I've never done that before, so I started in.
Pulling the carbs wasn't a problem, except I would really like to treat the boots with something to keep them from drying out and cracking. They are in excellent shape, and I'd like to keep them that way. Suggestions?
Once the carbs were out, the problems began because there are A LOT of well-meaning but often contradictory sources of advice floating around the internets. It seems that everyone has a different way of doing this job. I'm particularly concerned about keeping parts and orientation in order! Actually I don't know what's important in that regard, and would appreciate some advice. I am also concerned about not knowing a) how to inspect things properly, and b) what to buy. Some people say to not buy a rebuild kit; others do. I'm concerned that I'm going to take this carb and destroy it/make it unusable, perhaps by getting the settings all out-of-whack.
Should I get an O-Ring kit from http://cycleorings.com/#BS_Series_O-ring_Kit? If so, which one? Also, he links to a rebuild guide at http://www.thegsresources.com/gs_carbrebuild.htm but that's a bad link. What's a good rebuild resource?
One of the things I've been wanting/needing is a high-level theoretical overview, which this site linked to! Yay! So that's good.
I've got some other questions, like do you really need to replace the fuel line every 2 years? The service manual says so, and I guess it's not a big deal, but I've got lots of little questions like that.
Anyway, thanks much for reading. Sorry if I'm an idiot.