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Stupid question

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    Originally posted by Danb4563 View Post
    Ok, so you are running at 3.25 turns without rejetting? What did you set the needles at? And yes, it has idled higher in choke. And just to be clear, because I'm getting conflicting information, does screwing the mix screw in riches or lean the mix? I thought you unscrewed it to riches the mix, but I'm being told otherwise by a buddy who knows more about bikes in general than I do.
    No, I have rejetted and tweaked the needles as well to suit the pods and pipe. Everything has been altered to work properly on my bike. You indicate that you just want to be able to synch the carbs and the mixture screws will get you there with no other changes. If you want to try riding it then you are going to have to rejet. You screw the mixture screw out to add fuel on the BS34 carbs.

    1982 GS1100E
    1998 ZX-6R
    2005 KTM 450EXC


      3.25 turns and she fired right up, revs up great!. Thanks for the help guys, now I can do a dynamic sync and get them completelydialed in as soon as I get my box

