The forum recommended replacing the carb flange o-rings, which I did yesterday, and replaced the throttle cable with a new OEM unit while I was at it. Then I took the bike out for a ride and things were no different. But after about 10 minutes the bike seemed to be dropping to the proper idle when releasing the throttle. It didn't really make sense that it would take a while for the new parts to "kick in", so I took it for another ride tonight and turns out that things are no different from the original issue before the new parts.
When the bike starts racing if I cut the idle down with the thumbwheel under the carbs and I can get it to idle but of course, it would then stall regularly, because 2000RPM was not a legitimate idle. So I just went back home and put it in the garage, disugsted.
What I DID NOTICE HOWEVER, was that when the bike started reving (for no reason), if I reached under the seat and pushed down on the carb linkages between all four carbs, I could reduce the speed to a normal idle. But when I took pressure off, it would go back to reving.
Could it be as simple as the linkage needs a good cleaning and lube? I made sure when I installed the new throttle cable that there was about 1/4" of play in the the cable before it started engaging the carbs, so it's not that the cable is too tight.
Anybody think that maybe it's just a resistance issue in the linkage the if freed up would fix the issue? I've run out of ideas and really hate riding the bike because of the damn unpredictable reving, really takes the enjoyment out of the ride.
My last attempt is going to be to take the carbs off AGAIN, blast the linkages with compressed air and Liquid Wrench the crap out of them.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Mark