Hi, I'm new to motorcycles. Started riding last season on this fine gs700es. Didn't do anything to it, rode it until it basically stopped working. Now that it's the new season, I'm trying to get it back up and running. Doing the work myself so I can learn.
Turned out the carborators were being clogged by the rust accumulating in my gas tank. Had the gas tank restored and coated. Hopefully no more rust! Carborators all nice and clean. In the process I figured I should replace and maintenance other parts on the bike. So I started taking stuff off to inspect and somewhere along the way in my excitement I managed to take out the airbox. BIGGEST REGRET! STUPID I KNOW! But I didn't know any better.
Now that I'm putting the bike back together... I was struggling to get the air box back in, as I did getting it out. Ended up breaking the air box. Bend the crap out of it, and now its in two pieces.
I can't find a replacement on eBay. Anybody know where I can find one? And if I manage to get one, do you know the secret to getting one back in?
The thought of getting air pods seems like a nightmare, at least from what I've heard, with re-jetting and all. Maybe I am stuck with having to use air pods. Can anyone share their "2 cents" on what the beat solution could be?
Thank you for your time.
Also what's the difference between a gs700es and a gs700esf?