This am I finally got to take it for a spin, but she is gutless! Fires up at the flick of the button, idles nicely at 1100rpm. But as soon as you hit about 4-5000 she stutters and feels/sounds like a twin! So I went back home effortlessly, got out infrared temp gun and sure enough #4 was not as hot as the others. I could sizzle spit on all except #4.
Ok I said, maybe I forgot a vacuum port, nope. Hmm, maybe a piece of **** got in the pilot jet, nope, even swapped it with #1, no joy. Ok, let's pull the carbs and try a set off a gsxr1100. Well she barks with those! So I take #4 off the rack, break it down and blow the **** out of every passage, but it all flows well. Passage from neddle jet to pilot circuit is clear, air jet for pilot circuit is clear as are all passages. So I adjust float heights to 20mm, reassemble, install and run, no better.
ok, relax, change the coil, no better.
I yank all 4 plugs, 1 and 4 are black while 2 and 3 are light grey.
so, can it be the Ignitor? But why did it run sooo good with the other carbs, maybe because there was no filters? I just slid them in the carb boots and fired her up.
I tried 4 new plugs, no different.
Should the air screws be at different settings for #1,4 vs #2,3?
thanks for any help!