I have a '79 gs750l - 8 valve with VM26s. The bike is pretty much stock with a Jama replica 4 into 2 pipes although I have some short meggas in place of the 3 foot long Jama silencers.
I bit the bullet recently and did the valve clearances, I was to be fair putting the job off as I thought I might have some cover bolts break on me, but in the end it was a really nice job, clearances are now in the .06 - .09 range. Sorting this has highlighted other issues.
The bike always starts well on choke but takes an age to warm up. It idles well hot or cold and goes like hell on anything more than 1/4 throttle. It mostly goes great on a fast run down to the pub. Slow / town riding is a pain however as it hesitates / misses on very small throttle openings. It stutters / runs uneven in neutral when throttle opened slightly and coughs when throttle snapped open. I've switched exhausts back and forth but this doesn't make a lot of difference.
Ignition timing (on points) is fine on strobe at idle and it appears to advance ok, condensers are newish.
Plugs are dark brown / black on the edge but look clean / lean on the centre insulator, all look about the same but I did have an issue with one being dry sooty which I put down to a faulty plug cap.
Carbs have been balanced and I've set the air screws just off yellow to blue flame at idle using a carbtune. Tank is clean and carbs were cleaned thoroughly a while ago.
So, questions are:
Is it possible to have mixtures looking OK via carbtune at idle but in fact have too little fuel for progression (i.e. both fuel and air screws too far in)? or do the screws just set the idle mixture - there's also a pilot feed passage under the slide?
Could it be I have just offset leaky intake o-rings by richening up the idle, so the idle looks OK but still pulling in enough air to upset it just off idle?
Am I right in thinking this is a lean running issue? Do I need to be looking at upping the pilot jets?
I'm gonna bite the bullet again and replace those intake o-rings (not looking forward to the cheese screws) and while I'm at it clean the pilot circuits and check where the fuel screws are. Should I start again at 3/4 - 7/8 fuel screw and adjust air screws from there?
Any advice appreciated.