Since we got her 550L on the road a few years ago, she's experienced problems with the bike cutting out at lights/stops. The plugs are looking slightly lean on the pilot circuit but the mixture screws for 1, 2, and 4 were set for over 3 turns out while number 3 was at 2-1/8 (it actually looked richer than the others). The intake boots and o-rings were replaced within the last two years and still look/feel good (no obvious cracks, cuts, or tears - visually and physically checked by running a finger around them inside/out). I also confirmed the air filter is still in good shape and doesn't look dirty or overly oily in my opinion.
With that, I asked Steve to come over this morning to help me troubleshoot the problem further. After not getting the carbs to synchronize at all and continuing to see the bike cut out even on the center stand, he recommended that he take the carbs home and re-clean them himself. We found that one pilot jet was definitely clogged from what looks to be bad gas so he re-cleaned all of the jets (full carb dip was done for the second or third time last year). All floats were set to the correct setting and all jets visually re-verified to be stock (40 pilot and 92.5 main; 150 air). The carbs were then reassembled and bench sync'd then re-installed on the bike; mixture screws are now all set to over 3 turns out.
Unfortunately, our problems continued. We could get 1 and 2 to run at the same level together and pull a lower vacuum then what 3 and 4 are pulling. When they are offset like that, the bike sounds like it runs well. However, when we try to configure all four carbs to pull the same vacuum, the bike starts to run very rough, dies out, and experiences problems restarting.
One last note as I don't know if it's pertinent but the pipes are very hot close to the engine but are almost cold (can hold them) at the muffler.
Does any one have any suggestions as to what could be causing the issues here? I'm sure Steve will be by later to add/clarify anything I wrote here but I tried to explain it as best as what I saw the bike doing while we worked on it today/tonight.