hope you can help, this is my first bike and while i have followed the 10 tips and GS happiest , newbie mistakes advice to the tee ( i think), i have no basis for comparison at all.
everything stock 1978 GS400 BS34 CV carbs.,
Completed , rebuilt petock, derustand lined, dipped and thouroughly cleaned the carbs incl cycleorings, new engine side boots & orings, new air filter and airbox sealed. bench then carbtune pro synced carbs used the highest idle method when setting the idle with the air screws/pilot screws the sweet spot is around the reccomended 1 & 1/4 turns out, value clearence in spec and charging sytem passes the tests, elec connections all cleaned, new points/ timing spot on. no plug chops done, they seem a little tanned??
THE ACTUAL QUESTION: im wondering what the acceptable rise in RPM is from just off off choke after cold starting to the a set of lights 20 minutes away ( well warmed up)?
wetaher conditions say 70 deg F, 20 deg celcius:
After starting with choke it sits around 2000 rpm and after around 1 minute the revs start to die down to about 900- 1000 and i need to turn the choke off to stop it stalling, with no choke it will need the odd blip or hold a bit of throttle to stop from stalling before i ride off (i did have to fiddle with the choke a while back to stop it revving too high after rebuilding the carbs and syncing them, can recall exactly what i did though ;-).
After i ride off if i get stuck at the lights 700 yards away it might still need a blip & still sounds a bit grumpy

i have run into the trap of turing the idle crew up when cold then turing it down when at running temp to make life easier at the time, but it bites back as next start it wont idle when it comes off choke and then if i adjust so it does idle cold i go to high it revs at 1400-1500 when fully warmed up.
is this normal behavior ?
does this sound acceptable range of RMP from cold to opertaing temp ?
am i coming off the choke to early?
should my rpm to drop like that so quick on choke wanting tio die .. . is my idle circuit rich making that happen
P.S ive check for air leaks with sprays but found none , maybe they are very small on the intake side and show when hot . im not adverse to getting new intake new boots/tubes and clamps, pulling the carbs and starting again but dont want ti chase something that is not a problem
PPS sorry for the long detailed post , thought it may save questions