I am tuning the carbs on my GS850 from 1979, and have read the very fine guide on VM Carb Rebuilds written by Mr. Paul Musser.
In this guide Mr. Musser explains that the two adjustment screws found on the carb are a pilot air screw (easily accessible on the side of the carburettor) and a pilot fuel screw (totally unaccessible underneath the float bowl)
What confuses me is this:
1. Why would there be two possible adjustments to the Pilot circuit, but no adjustment possibilities to the Main circuit
2. If my understanding of Mr. Mussers guide is correct, and both the adjustment screws control the idle circuit, is there then a preferred sequence of adjusting these two screws? As I understand Mr. Mussers guide, you adjust the Pilot Air screw for optimal idle speed. If you then adjust the pilot fuel screw, you have to adjust the air screw again.
All the generic carb tuning information I have found states that you either have a pilot air screw OR a pilot fuel screw, but newer both, so I am in dire need of a step by step guide to dialing in the pilot circuit of my GS850 GN Carbs.
Any advice will be highly appreciated.