This is a discussion, not a 'I know, I'm the expert' sort of question and definateley not a chuck your toys out of a pram thread!
Ground rules out the way here goes.
Mikumi BS34SS carbs. I had pulled my GS1000 carbs and Londonboards had kindly stripped, ultrasonically cleaned them plus rebuilt last week. Thank you Londonboards. I also have a little incling as to whats inside them.
He pulled the Pilot Needle jets out. Those long pre set jets that come done from the factory and 'never to be touched by human hand on pain of death' according to all the bike dealers of the 1980's. (Well we were told that these GS engines would never last more than 20,000 miles before blowing itself into small pieces.)
So these are part no 13279-47080 pilot needle jets.

Suzuki didnt give a part number for these delightful little bits back in 1980, it came with the carb. But they look identical to what is in my GS1000 carbs. They even fit!
In 1984/5 Suzuki started to give part numbers for these items on the GSX1100EFE.

I believe that is one above. (Happy to be proved wrong.)
My GSX1100ESD carbs needed Ultrasonic cleaning so I was lent the cleaner and do it myself as I had watched how to do it.....
Now inside my GSX1100 carb are these.

Please excuse No 2, thats what I had to do to get it out.
You will see that there is a long shaft for the spring, washer and O ring to sit on and the tip is step tapered and no point against the GS1000 one that is a taper to a point. Does anybody know why? Can you swap them and will it work?
I had a heated discussion with a carb rebuilder yesterday who claimed that all 4 of the GSX1100 ones were damaged as 'they should all have tapered points.'
I posted on here to find a replacement from a damaged set of carbs or carb and somebody found this one.

Step tapered like my GSX ones but a little shorter.
When you look around various carbs have various needle pilot jets and not all go to a tapered point.
Suzuki also do this jet. 13279-47070 a later shorter replacement for 13279-47080. It fits most Suzukis from the 1990's through to the 2002, so in my RF900 and also my GSF1200 bandit Mk2, (Add in GSXR600, Mk1 Bandit and a load more.)
I want to learn here guys. I'm trying to understand why these are different and what will work.
So why were my GSX1100ESD Pilot needle jets step tapered and not to a point?
Will the long GS1000 ones with a point work on my bike?
Why did they shorten then? (Stop them seizing up in the carb? )
Will the shortened step tapered one work in my bike OK? Has anybody else fitted one?