I sorted out my earlier charging issues with your help and now we're on to the next part that needs some troubleshooting.
Now before I start I need to clarify I have never taken any engine, airbox or carb apart. I'm trying to figure out all the basic steps I need to take before and during the repair process without making a mess of things. I also need to say that I have not done anything yet besides (newbie)detective work on the bike, and a little online.
Ok, the bike and the issues. After the bike gets warm (after 10-15 mins) the idle goes up, and up. Up until around 3.2k RPM. Maybe more if I keep riding. I also noticed that the drain tube that comes out of the air box is leaking fuel. Quite a bit of it, about a drop every few seconds.
What do I think meeds to be done:
Well I don't really know, right? From the materials on the forum and on BikeCliffs site there's probably 3 parts that I really should focus on.
Airbox: filter, connection to the carbs etc.
Carbs: Clean it (oh crap..)
Valves: check clearance
I'll also change the oil and oil filter.
For the carbs I'll follow the carb cleaning series from the frontpage.
I think I'll have to remove the fuel tank from the bike to go through all these steps. How do I get the fuel out(or at least keep it from spilling? Can I muck anything up taking the tank off?
What have I done so far:
I have not taken anything apart yet, mainly because I have no idea what I'm doing and I need a clear picture of what to do, in what order, before (hopefully not) screwing it up.
I checked the airbox for leaks using WD40, but there are no apparent problems.
No idea how the inside is, and what type of filter is being used in a '82 GS450. I believe it's a piece of foam with oil? Can anyone confirm this?
Am I going in the right direction with my train of thought? What am I missing? Please enlighten me with your arcane knowledge of the steel horse.

Anyone from EU, especially Benelux or Germany, that knows a site where I can get quality o-rings for all the connections from airbox to carbs to engine? Also the rings inside the carbs. I have no idea what I need... A reading resource on what to look out for is also greatly appreciated.