I have an 85 GS700e. A bit of background. It was running very strong a few months ago, however, started the annoying problem of dumping fuel into the airbox at an alarming rate. Looking into how to fix, I discovered several problems: 1) the carbs were not stock, and at this point I can't find anyone who can identify them; 2) the Petcock appeared largely useless as the vacuum line wasn't even hooked up to it - no idea how it was running; 3) the plugs were uniformly covered in serious black soot.
Because I really like the bike and its in good overall shape, and I couldn't do much with carbs I couldn't even identify and were wrong for the bike, I decided to do the following:
1) replaced the carbs with refurbished Mikuni BS32mm by WiredGeorge. They are from an older GS750. Jetted for air pods.
2) removed the airbox and installed EMGO air pods
3) replaced the Petcock with a K&L 18-4358 model, which claims to work on my bike (who knows)
4) replaced all the spark plugs with new NGK D8EA
5) replaced intake boot o-rings
6) replaced vacuum hose for petcock with OEM
Since that time, the bike is acting like it is absolutely starving for fuel. It starts well although I have to prime the carbs every single time, which may be a sign. It idles very strong and just purrs along beautifully at idle, and will rev strong. But as soon as I get on it to ride, I literally can barely move. It bogs down immediately. I'm lucky to get above 10 MPH and often have to stop and prime the carbs again.
I trust WiredGeorge's work and reputation; my sense is this is a petcock-to-bowl problem. Any thoughts out there? Should I just do my best to buy an OEM Petcock if I can find one? Thanks for any insight.