I ordered through Amazon Prime (no shipping charge) three vacuum petcocks for my '81 GS850G. Each was from a different vendor and had a different price. I ordered them all from Amazon so shipping cost could be omitted from the comparison. The price you see in the pictures is as listed on the site before taxes (7% in Florida). I could have used ebay or most any motorcycle parts vendor and gotten the exact same item.
First I will familiarize you with the state of the art testing facility utilized in making these comparisons.
Siphon hose, drain hose, 10mm socket & wrench, portable light
For each petcock I siphoned all of the gas in a nearly full five gallon can into the gas tank. I then put a bucket under the petcock. I put it in the ON position for 12 hours after which I put in the RESERVE position for another 12 hours.
After that I connected a hose from the petcock back into the five gallon can and switched to PRIME to flow the gas back into the can. When the tank is almost empty it helps to tilt and shake it to get as much of the gas as possible through the petcock and out of the tank. That will help keep and remaining fuel from leaking out of the top when you turn the tank upside down to swap to the next petcock.