I'd like some informed ideas about one issue, especially is they're different from mine!
So carbs 3 and 4 overflow occasionally and intermittently, and rarely.
Everything inside is either new or in excellent condition. I've checked repeatedly (and keep checking)
After the last ride I realized it's only after the engine is very warm, after a long ride (which also means the fuel has warmed also) and after riding agressively.
Also, after the engine cools and on the next start they don't leak... back to normal.
It never leaks sitting, either on side stand or center stand, no matter how long it sits, even with petcock on prime. And doesn't leak when I start it and just let it run after normal warm up.
I'm thinking it's somehow caused by warm/hot fuel? But how??
Important fact, I don't have a secondary inline fuel filter which now I'm thinking may be a factor, even though I don't see a need for one because the in tank filter is very good. (AND there is simple so little room in there for one it's a PIA)
Today's test will be to go for a long-ish ride at moderate pace to see if the problem recurs.
Here's what I've got:
1. It's somehow related to warming fuel that's causing an issue... weird right? (welcome to my world)
2. Upon head scratching, now I think it may simply be debris getting into the carb from warming fuel and agressive riding.
If today's test does not cause an overflow (#2) I will put an inline filter on and test that.
Anyway that's a summary of what I've got, any ideas (especially out of the box thinking) would be helpful.