Here's the scenario. I've got an old Ironhead Sportster. It originally had a generator and voltage regulator. I converted it to an alternator kit that came with a different regulator. After 2 years, I'm having charging problems. I know how reliable the SH775 is. I'd like to run one with the alternator if possible.
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SH775 question
SH775 question
Will an SH775 be a good fit for an alternator? I don't know the difference between an alternator and a stator.
Here's the scenario. I've got an old Ironhead Sportster. It originally had a generator and voltage regulator. I converted it to an alternator kit that came with a different regulator. After 2 years, I'm having charging problems. I know how reliable the SH775 is. I'd like to run one with the alternator if possible.Last edited by jsandidge; 04-16-2023, 11:33 AM.
1983 GS750ED-Horsetraded for the Ironhead
1981 HD XLH
Drew's 850 L Restoration
Drew's 83 750E ProjectTags: None
I'm not so sure it will work with a true alternator. A stator-based system like a GS uses windings and a permanent magnet. The R/R will rectify the AC to a pulsed DC and regulate the voltage in the process. An alternator uses two sets of windings. One is engergized to create a magnetic field, the other then converts the magnetism back to an AC voltage that is then rectified to DC. The output voltage is modulated by controlling the strength of the magnetic coils. This has the advantage of being able to boost output at low engine speeds and actually limiting the output, rather than cutting it off or shunting the excess, as in the case of a stator.If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Originally posted by jsandidge View PostWill an SH775 be a good fit for an alternator? I don't know the difference between an alternator and a stator.
Here's the scenario. I've got an old Ironhead Sportster. It originally had a generator and voltage regulator. I converted it to an alternator kit that came with a different regulator. After 2 years, I'm having charging problems. I know how reliable the SH775 is. I'd like to run one with the alternator if possible.
Hint - they're ALL generators, but some are DC, some are AC, and AC alternators can be field-coil energised OR permanent magnet energised.
For that matter, so can DC dynamos.
Terminology is important here - some more info on your conversion kit would be useful.---- Dave
Only a dog knows why a motorcyclist sticks his head out of a car window