I haven't had all the time I wanted because if that were true I'd be riding my ass off instead of opening this thread.
However life happens to us all thus here we are and since I haven't the time yet to actually start working on the bike, I might as well ask for opinions of knowledgeable internet strangers
I've taught myself some basic "automotive electrics" and applied that new skill to drawing a diagram for my "79 GS850.I think it's all good, but because I'm new to this and I don't have anyone in my direct vicinity to confirm, I'm asking you guys.
Could you take a look at this diagram and confirm for me that I didn't make any mistakes? I'm aware USB-charging is only available with lights on because I want to be able to charge in PARK as well. And yes, I have an ON/OFF switch for the lights so the relais is "not neccesary" but I'm future-and-dummy-proofing it.
I've thrown this up in another forum as well, but didn't get any comments on it. Maybe 'cause it's really good... or maybe because nobody saw what's wrong with it (if anything).
Like I mentioned earlier: I'm insecure because I've never made a diagram like this and I need a pat on the back or a slap on the wrist to know if I'm heading the right direction.
GS850Suzy.drawio (1).png
I haven't calculated the wiring yet, as I'm kinda putting it off since I don't know for sure if the diagram is correct. I'm being really overly cautious here, I know
