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Ignition switch cleaning method

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    Ignition switch cleaning method

    I've been having resistance in the ignition switch for a while, and I've taken it apart and cleaned it with ultra fine sandpaper and contact cleaner.

    I just had another main fuse pop, so I got out the voltmeter and started checking resistance in the circuits.

    Got to the switch 16-34 ohm!

    Took it apart, it's a bit discolored and some arcing occurring.
    I put both contact parts into a vinegar bath

    Any other suggestions on getting the parts clean ?
    And, how to keep them that way?
    1978 GS 1000 (since new)
    1979 GS 1000 (The Fridge, superbike replica project)
    1978 GS 1000 (parts)
    1981 GS 850 (anyone want a project?)
    1981 GPZ 550 (backroad screamer)
    1970 450 Mk IIID (THUMP!)
    2007 DRz 400S
    1999 ATK 490ES
    1994 DR 350SES

    Acid may need to be neutralized. During assembly, dielectric grease helps

    To measure is to know.

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      Had mine apart a few years ago after having to fiddle with the key. A process I've developed for cleaning all electrical connections on the bike.
      1) Slather any terminals or electronic connector parts with Naval Jelly. Let sit for 10-15 minutes.
      2) Use water pic to blast off the naval jelly (into a rag on my hand - Old clothes and eye-pro highly recommended.)
      3) If any verdigris remains, repeat step 1 & 2 till all connectors are spic-n-span
      4) Blast w/ compressed air.
      5) Blast w/ Electronic Cleaner Spray to clean up any remaining water.
      6) Just a spritz of Deoxit to coat the parts.

      The hard part about the switch guts as I recall is a the ball bearing(s) don’t remember if 1 or 2. And it is possible to reassemble everything exactly 180 degrees wrong. Ask me how I know. There’s a cross shape you have to match up that confused me.

      I won't get into Dielectric grease. That seems to be a triggering topic. And Todd, you know more than me about this stuff and have no-doubt formed your own opinion on its uses.
      Last edited by Rich82GS750TZ; 03-26-2025, 04:54 PM.
      1982 GS 750TZ
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        Yeah, I've used DeOxit as a final rinse.
        Still having the issue
        Here's the bottom plate
        You do not have permission to view this gallery.
        This gallery has 1 photos.
        1978 GS 1000 (since new)
        1979 GS 1000 (The Fridge, superbike replica project)
        1978 GS 1000 (parts)
        1981 GS 850 (anyone want a project?)
        1981 GPZ 550 (backroad screamer)
        1970 450 Mk IIID (THUMP!)
        2007 DRz 400S
        1999 ATK 490ES
        1994 DR 350SES


          And here's the top
          The difference in color tones is due to reflection
          You do not have permission to view this gallery.
          This gallery has 1 photos.
          1978 GS 1000 (since new)
          1979 GS 1000 (The Fridge, superbike replica project)
          1978 GS 1000 (parts)
          1981 GS 850 (anyone want a project?)
          1981 GPZ 550 (backroad screamer)
          1970 450 Mk IIID (THUMP!)
          2007 DRz 400S
          1999 ATK 490ES
          1994 DR 350SES


            I gave up and put a relay in place so basically all the switch does is trigger the new ignition relay…..

            that’s pretty much a simple version of what most modern bikes do now.
            1980 GS1000G - Sold
            1978 GS1000E - Finished!
            1980 GS550E - Fixed & given to a friend
            1983 GS750ES Special - Sold
            2009 KLR 650 - Sold - gone to TX!
            1982 GS1100G - Rebuilt and finished. - Sold
            2009 TE610 - Dual Sporting around dreaming of Dakar..... - FOR SALE!



