I have recently considered selling my 78 GS750E...primarily because I have gone through three batteries in three years and just don't have the energy to battle starting the bike anymore. I have assumed a short but am now thinking there is a R/R and/or stator problem. The question is should I enter on the quest to find the solution or should I pass the problem along? I'd feel better about myself if I could pass along the bike with a properly working electrical system. There is the story....here is my real question(s).
How bright is it to skip the diagnosis part and just purchase, then install a new R/R and/or stator. I have read (and probably misinterpreted) that if I buy an R/R it might fry the current stator, or that a non-functional stator might then fry the new R/R. I believe that the R/R on my bike is already aftermarket so it may or may not be fine. I do have a volt meter but not a bunch of free time with three boys under 5 and a wife. Thoughts?
Further info: Bike will start after several minutes of battling with the kick starter...once warmed it starts regularly with the kick starter until left overnight. There is enough juice typically in the battery for lights to work but not to use the starter. When freshly charged the starter appears to work fine but dies out quickly which I assume means that the battery no longer accepts a full charge. Battery has been charged several times using a battery charger and has been charge again last night. I am planning to purchase a new battery today (again!). Sorry for being longwinded.