some exciting news this morning. Raced home like a bat out of hell last night to check for a seized engine. Hooked up a socket and crossed my fingers. Happy to report, engine is not stuck. It spun with relative ease. I even put it in gear and spun it a few times and everything checked out. so then i decided to hook up a positive cable from the solenoid directly to battery...more good news, it went CLICK CLICK.... So the issue still remains. how's this positive you ask, well I've learned more about this bike in the last 24 hours and am feeling pretty confident that I'll be better off by the end of this post.
So, it's still CLICKING. Now I'm thinking that either the relay is faulty, the ignition start switch is faulty (which is already broken so i know it has issues) or the starter motor is faulty. So i decided to take out the starter motor to make sure is spins freely. After unbolting it, i realized that the cam change tensioner is in the way. I don't want to pull it out until i ask a few questions:
1. should i pull it out?
2. will it go back in with ease?
3. is there a precise science to the removal/
Again, thanks gentlemen, your advice has been invaluable.