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700e wont charge

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    700e wont charge

    This sux!!! Stator bad (only 20 volts comin from gen) but when I took cover off, had oil under cover. Is this normal? Probly a stupid question (was normal for my hondas) but I'm one of those people who think the only stupid question is the one not asked!

    Yep, normal.

    Get a new stator, check/clean all the connections, and test the R/R replace if needed. While you are in there, I would buy the $2 o-ring for the starter nose when you purchase a gasket for the stator cover. This o-ring should keep you asking about the "mystery hole" in the future.

    Also, on the 700 the wires from the stator will connect up under the tank, and those three wires travel down the wiring harness to the R/R. If wanting to "keep it as stock" be sure to clean and grease the connectors. Or, another route just eliminate the extra set of connectors and wire directly to the R/R.

    Last edited by Guest; 05-26-2010, 11:09 AM.


      Greetings and Salutations!!

      Hi Mr. 700eruss,

      Yes, a little oil in the stator cavity is normal. There is a fine troubleshooting flowchart in The Stator Papers with extra information on my website in the "Electrical Odds and Ends" section. Make sure all of your electrical connections and grounds are clean on the entire bike, ignition switch, fusebox, everything. Your bike will love you for it.

      Anyway, I just stopped by to welcome you to the forum in my own, special way.

      If there's anything you'd like to know about the Suzuki GS model bikes, and most others actually, you've come to the right place. There's a lot of knowledge and experience here in the community. Come on in and let me say "HOoooowwwDY!"....

      Here is your very own magical, mystical, mythical, mind-expanding "mega-welcome". Please take notice of the "Top 10 Common Issues", the Carb Rebuild Series, and the Stator Papers. Now let me roll out the welcome mat for you...

      Please click here for your mega-welcome, chock full of tips, suggestions, links to vendors, and other information. Then feel free to visit my little BikeCliff website where I've been collecting the wisdom of this generous community. Don't forget, we like pictures! Not you, your bike!

      Thanks for joining us. Keep us informed.

      Thank you for your indulgence,



        Thanks, you guys are awesome! Wow, what is that guy doin, I thought this was a family friendly website. Anyway, anybody have an idea about RM stators? Can get one for 109 bux, but u get what u pay for most of the time.

