First a bit of owner background comments. He mentioned that his signal lights would only work occassionally, so assumed he might just have a loose connection somewhere. When I got the bike to my shop, noticed that the signal lights weren't working at all.
Well ... as I was removing the battery and cleaning up some of the wiring connections, I noticed that the Signal Unit (not the signal flasher) white multi-connector and black wire single connector were both disconnected and just laying loose and unplugged in the battery box area. So I cleaned up the contacts and plugged these connectors back in. However, with a fully charged battery, the signal lights still don't work ... so I've got more diagnostics ahead of me for sure.
Anyways I have a few questions concerning the signal light system:
- How could his signal lights have been working if this "Signal Unit" was unplugged? I'm thinking this is impossible.
- What does this "Signal Unit" do, and is there any way of testing it? My older Honda's of this vintage do not have such a unit, and thus only have the flasher as part of the signal system.
- In the photo below of the Signal Unit connectors, I found an extra single green wire with a male plug end that was wrapped with a piece of electrical tape, which you can see towards the top of the white female multi-connector. What is this extra, dark green wire for? I can't see it in the on-line fiche diagrams.
- I'll be working through the entire signal light wiring connections, cleaning them up as I go, but would appreciate any diagnostic tips anyone may have to help me along. Thanks
