I rewired all the grounds with brand spanking new wire and mounted all of them to the chassis using ring terminals. I sanded to the metal the screw location that holds the stock air box in place over the battery and used a longer screw and some washers to make a good connection and still hold the air box in place.
I also ran a wire from the ground of the battery to the same location on the chassis were the other ring terminals are located.
Everything works as it should. However, my question is how hot or warm should the wires get? Specifically, the wires to the headlight are warmer than I think they should be.
Nothing is melting and I can touch them without burning myself. I have 10amp fuses for each circuit. The bike is not running yet and I'm only using the battery to test everything to make sure they function as they should.
Are these wires supposed to be getting warm like this? 2 weekends ago is when I finished removing all the old wires and replacing them with new wires similar in color. The only wires I'm concerned with are the wires from the headlight.
The headlight is an aftermarket and I don't recall those wires getting that hot before I started fixing (or possibly hacking) the old wiring harness.
Here is a pic of the headlights, if that helps at all.