I just want to share something I found after purchasing a bike with next to no or busted electrical. I found this site when I was in need of new coils for my 1980 honda cb750. I am running chevy cavalier coils... and there great, equivalent of high dollar jobs... and better yet there about $20 bucks each.
so I purchased a 78 gs1000 for amazingly $20 bucks on craigslist it has compression, electrical was shot and I am currently banging my head on the carbs...
that aside.. This man is a genius - http://home.comcast.net/~loudgpz/GPZweb/index.html#home
so now I am running the origional points less the condenser to trigger this system of a small (and easy to make) circuit board 2 gm hei modules and a couple of chevy cavalier coils. total cost under $100 and put it together in a 3 beer night. all of the parts can be purchased at any automotive store and radio shack or the like.
I happily have a complete and brandy new hot firing ignition thank you Lou D.. who ever you are.
oh another thing ...... if you run these coils you can gap your plugs to about 30 - 40. play with it they're hot.
check out his site there is a wealth of information
Matt Canaday