I've worked with two different types of signal generators on the large GS models. One, with mechanical advance has a SG mounted on a plate that can be rotated slightly when the three screws are loosened. This type has the 19mm nut and a 12 mm nut which holds the advance assembly.
But my '82 GS1100GK has electronic advance. There is no 12 mm nut. There is a smaller allen nut inside the 19 mm if that makes sense. I know pictures will help and I'll get some soon if necessary. So, with this electronic advance the plate with the magnets on it is still held in place with three screws but there are no slots, only holes, so this plate can't be rotated.
My Clymer manual only has pictures of the earlier version (mechanical advance) and says for the '82 with electronic advance (listed in the appendix) that the procedure is the same...but I can't see how to rotate the plate with the magnets on it. So I can't see how to adjust the timing.
I tired to remove the whole assembly to see how it works in there but I can't turn the allen head...it's stuck. I even broke an allen wrench trying. I've sprayed it with PB Blaster and will go after it again. But I am not sure I need to even remove that to adjust the timing.
And, yes, the timing is way off. By about 7 degrees with a timing light. This bike suffers from pre-ignition badly and I'm hoping this is the cause.
So...any advice on setting the timing on a 1982 GS1100GK?