1982 GS300LZ. Riding home and headlight filament went out, rode rest of ride home w/ high beam (about 5 miles). Next day, started it up to go get a new head light, rode for about 2 miles, and engine began cutting in and out rapidly. High beam filament blew, speedo light went out, left turn indicator stopped indicating, left front blinker bulb blew (and left side rear blinker stopped working), tail light bulb blew (and brake light stopped working), high-beam indicator light stopped working.
Examined wiring diagram, and all of these components that stopped working/blew have B/W wire in common, which I believe is a negative/ground wire. I don't know if this is relevant. Also, the fuse was toasted, but had not blown (single 15A fuse on this bike).
Ordered a new headlight, replaced the fuse and headlight.
Went through all the connections, cleaned everything and replaced a few that were particularly bad. Did not find any melted/frayed/bare wiring, though I did not unwrap the harness (I did take care of a lot of corrosion at some of the terminals). There is no continuity between the B/W wire connector of the instrument panel and the components in the instrument panel where there should be, so I think something in there is fried, too.
Went through the stator papers. Good Battery. Battery was getting 16v when engine revved. Stator checked out perfect. R/R most definitely did not check out; I'm pretty sure it is fried. (Note: engine did not do the cutting in-and-out thing while idling/revving during all of the testing, and the fuse and headlight stayed good).
Questions: did one of the bike components/wiring go bad and fry the R/R? or did the R/R go bad and fry the above-mentioned components? Should I replace the blown bulbs and the R/R and see what happens, or is there something else I should look for before I risk frying a new R/R?
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading. And many thanks to the many posters who have already unknowingly helped me out!
P.S.: PO reportedly replaced the R/R about two years ago.