So I've started my project bike. Before I get ahead of myself, let me make some things a little clear.
The bike has no key. So I cannot put the bike into "accessory on" mode.
There is no headlight, dials or indicators on the bike. Just wires...
I bought the bike in this condition, but have been told the motor used to run not too long ago and it was an abandoned project.
There are things wired up though, like the ignition coils and fuse box.. basically the main elements to get it running.
The only way to crank the bike is to short the ignition point, with a screwdriver and the engine cranks...I did this for the first time today and it cranks very strongly.
I have a brand new battery.
Upon doing some investigation I found that I have no spark.
I pulled out spark plug 1, grounded it on the cylinder head, and made sure there was sufficient ground with my multimeter.
Cranked the engine, and no spark on the plug.
Did this with the remaining plugs and there is no spark being generated.
I tested the coils with my multimeter, and I get a reading on both, so that would indicate to me no broken connections there. So I think the coils are ok.
I have been reading the workshop manual, and it's telling me to check the signal generator. This would be the little black box next to the fuses right?
I pulled this off and unplugged the 2 plugs going into it. It says to pull off the green and blue wires and connect an ohmemeter between the green and blue wires and i should get a reading of 290 - 300 ohms...So is that on the plug side? I tried getting nothing.
The green and blue wires are part of a clip with 4 wires going into it...
I set my multimeter to 200k, and im getting nothing.
Then it says to test the ignitor unit...where is that? Is this the same unit?
Then it goes on to say put plugs 3 and 4 on the cylinder head, and disconnect the blue and green leads from the signal generator and turn the ignition to on. (i cant turn my ignition to on!)
Then to set the ohmemeter to R1 scale (this is 200k I think) and put positive on blue lead and negative on green lead, and the spark plug should fire...How is this different to the test I just did earlier..
So this bypasses the ignitor all together and is using the battery in the ohmmeter to generate a spark??
If I need the ignition to on to do this, i cant do it until i get a key made up....
I'm really out of my depth here, and am pretty sure that the no spark issue is the only thing left to get this engine fired...unless there is something else but this is the current problem I need to resolve first before moving on!
And I'm not even sure if I have my multimeter set properly...oh lord am I in a world of trouble!
I've gone through bikecliffs website about the electrical stuff...but I'm finding it hard to follow things without pictures as I dont know if I'm looking at the right thing or not.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
I am more than happy to post pictures of anything if im not clear enough.