during all this time I have replaced the stator, r/r, new spade fuse box, new petcock, rebuilt carbs(the right way), rebuilt master cyl. and frt calipers,new wheel bearings, new brake lines, replaced elec. connections to stator,r/r. ignitor. Replace all vacuum lines. Sync. the carbs again today and got them near perfect. Bike ran better than it ever has for the first 10-15 mins, and then all of sudden started backfiring like crazy and losing and gaining power with every backfiring. Got it home checked the plugs (color was grey) and getting nice blue spark on each one. Checked for loose connections(could find none), took back out and ran great for another 10-15 mins. then started backfiring again and feeling like it was running on only 2 cyl. Got back home, getting 12 volts at coils (had already done relay mod.), did test in manual on ignitior and got spark. Took back out again and this time it ran for 30-40 mins. before it started with the backfiring and loss of power again! I feel it must be something breaking down after it gets hot and only working intermittently. Perhaps a coil or the ignitior (even though it tested ok) ? Don't have any spare coils to switch out or ignitior either, any and all thoughts very welcome?