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GS750 overheats ignition coils

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    GS750 overheats ignition coils

    Hi, first time poster here.

    I seem to have a problem for which searching yields no results. I own a 1979 GS750 that I bought in October last year. She runs well and gave me little trouble except that the battery seemed not to charge very well. I ignored this as the battery kept enough power to run the lights with the engine off, and to start the engine required one kick on the kick starter.

    In January she suddenly started running roughly and inspection revealed that coil 1-4 died. I replaced both coils with good 2nd hand units and the problem was sorted or so I thought.

    3 weeks ago both coils went and I noticed that with the ignition switched on the coils got very hot, but I thought they got hot because they died of old age. So again I replaced them with good used units ( I also redid the wiring before installing these coils to rule out possible wiring problems ) only to have them die the same death a week later.

    I also noticed that the battery is now well and truly bricked, tested by refilling it with water and a little bit of acid, charging it and then testing it with a battery tester.

    I've got a suspition that the regulator might have failed somehow and is supplying too high a voltage to the system or not switching the AC to DC properly.

    What are your considered opinions, am I right in thinking that the RR is to blame? Any other suggestions?

    PS. I will be replacing the coils with Dynatec units and will source the RR from duaneage, as well as fit a new battery.

    Edit: Also globes don't seem to last very long.
    Last edited by Guest; 04-29-2011, 06:52 AM.

    You are overcharging. Get a meter and check the charge rate. BassCliff will be along with hs megawelcome, but I'll give you the shortcut to his site and you can peruse many articles on your problem.

    If I remember right, you have the two piece r/r. Duanage is the place to go for a replacement r/r, you got that right. Now, you'll need a new battery as well, I'm sure.

    Welcome to the site, by the way, we need picts (of your bike) and where might you be located? It does help, there may be somebody around to help you out.


      a volt meter would help


        GS coils typically last the life of the bike. Are you sure they have failed? How did you test them?

        As already mentioned, check the charging system voltage to see what's going on. Guessing sucks.

        Even if the bike is overcharging, which is likely, it seems strange that the coils have been damaged.

        To measure is to know.

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          Greetings and Salutations!!

          Hi Mr. Hman,

          Yes, your charging system is in need of troubleshooting/repair. A new battery is mandatory and you can't go wrong with one of Mr. duaneage's r/r units. You will have to modify your wiring a bit because you will be replacing separate regulator and rectifier units with a single integrated r/r unit. But don't worry, it's not difficult. It will actually simplify your wiring harness, at least in the charging system area. You will also need to perform the tests on the stator. See the Stator Papers for the all the background, theory, and troubleshooting procedures (links in your "mega-welcome" below). Then check the electrical section on my website for additional information, updated procedures, etc. You will also find "how-to" guides for stator and r/r replacement and testing.

          Anyway, let me dump a TON if information on you and share some GS lovin'.

          I just stopped by to welcome you to the forum in my own, special way.

          If there's anything you'd like to know about the Suzuki GS model bikes, and most others actually, you've come to the right place. There's a lot of knowledge and experience here in the community. Come on in and let me say "HOoooowwwDY!"....

          Here is your very own magical, mystical, mythical, mind-expanding "mega-welcome". Please take notice of the "Top 10 Common Issues", "Top 15 Tips For GS Happiness", the Carb Rebuild Series, and the Stator Papers. All of these tasks must be addressed in order to have a safe, reliable machine. Now let me roll out the welcome mat for you...

          Please click here for your mega-welcome, chock full of tips, suggestions, links to vendors, and other information. Then feel free to visit my little BikeCliff website where I've been collecting the wisdom of this generous community. Don't forget, we like pictures! Not you, your bike!

          Thanks for joining us. Keep us informed.

          Thank you for your indulgence,



            They will get warm, with the ign on they are grounded thru the points. It is not a good idea to just leave the ign on... What type of coils did you put on ? If you get the Dyna coils, get the green 3 ohm coils and put a 2 ohm ballast resistor in the 12V supply line.
            As said get the charging circuit fixed first...


              Thanks for the replies, luckily I managed to get a hold of a bike mechanic that I trust, he wil check the bike for me and let me know what's wrong with her.

              PS. I updated my profile to reflect my location. And without further ado I present you a pic of the beast :P

              Uploaded with

