Please excuse the hack job on the plate which wouldn't have happened if I had properly located TDC on number 1 and positioned the plate accordingly in the first place.
To repeat, the plate has to be positioned so the "blade" of pickup 1-4 ( i.e. left side) is on the mark next to T on the rotor. That is TDC on piston one.
To find TDC on piston 1, remove the plug from cylinder one and insert a piece of dowel long enough that you can see it move up and down as you turn the crank. Turn the rotor nut with a 19mm wrench and watch the dowel move up then back down. Move it up to its highest point and that is TDC. Where the mark on the rotor falls, move the s/g plate so the "blade on the 10-4 pickup lines up with it. Bingo you are timed as close as your going to get it.
I think the next time I do this, I might make up my own plate and attach the pickups to it. The cutting down of the 750 plate is fiddly and time consuming, it also leaves a missing portion at the 5 o'clock fastening position ( see the washer at that position). While the plate is securely fastened its not as workman like as I would prefer.
Well there is video of the bike running and I am attempting to figure out how to load it so stay tuned and I'll prove its running.
Cheers all,